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Georgia Peach History
When we think about peaches, we instantly think “Georgia peaches”. The peach has become linked with Georgia in our minds, culture and vocabulary. Here’s a little on the history of where your peaches come from and how they make their way to us each summer.
In 1885, the Pearson family planted their first peach trees. At first, growing a peach that people wanted to eat was extremely difficult. That all changed when the Elberta peach was first grown. Now, they had a peach that tasted amazing, but could also be commercially farmed. With a great product, a patented peach variety under their belt, they needed a way to share it with a wider audience. “Refrigerated” train transport was the next innovation that kept the farm and the Georgia peach moving forward. The train cars were vented and fresh ice was loaded at stops along the way to move the Georgia peaches from the hot south to the East Coast. This changed the peach industry because now these peaches could reach the populous Northeast. It was like the gold rush, but a true “peach rush”.

Over the next century, there have been countless innovations in growing peaches. However, nothing beats generations of experience. Harvesting peaches is a delicate process that no machine can take over. During the summer season, for example, the farm employs over 200 workers who can evaluate ripeness, handle the fragile peaches, and know the perfect time to pick a peach. From there, our Tree-Ripe staff takes over and cares for them as they make their way to you straight from the farm, the truck, to your kitchen.
From busy road-side stands run by the Peasons family, to packing houses, retail operations, online shipping, a bakery, and the harvest-to-order business today that brings you the best Georgia peaches you can get, we’re so glad to be a part of this history.