
Blueberry Harvest is Here!

Blueberries, blueberries and more blueberries! Each year about this time our inbox is flooded with questions from all you blueberry lovers out there. “Are the blueberries ready yet?!” We’re so excited to say that the Michigan blueberry harvest is beginning this week. This summer’s crop is looking great and we expect to have blueberries on our trucks beginning on July 7! 

Blueberries have a tendency to be more fickle than peaches when it comes to knowing when the harvest will start. Our trucks are literally on standby waiting for our blueberries to be ready to deliver them to you. We know you’re eager to get them, and we are too! Rest assured, we always do everything in our power to have them ready and waiting at the truck the minute they’re ready to go.

We do have some bittersweet news to share. Our friends at Leduc Blueberries are transitioning to retirement from the blueberry biz. While they won’t be growing and harvesting blueberries, they will still be working with strawberries. They have been amazing partners for us through the years, growing the best blueberries anywhere!

The good news is that the new folks coming in, Walker Farms, will be tending to the very same blueberries that Leduc’s have invested so much love into. So fear not, you’ll see a fancy new blueberry box, but they are the exact same amazing blueberries you’ve been enjoying for years! 🫐

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