Satsuma? I hardly knew ‘ya!

You’ve heard it about people and it’s true about Satsumas and fruit in general – “It’s what’s on the inside that counts.” We care about what is on the inside much more than how a piece of fruit looks.

The humble Satsuma orange is a perfect example of this axiom. It has some unique characteristics. When Satsumas are ready to eat (that is when they’re tree-ripened, not harvested early), the peel can start to separate from the fruit inside and may look or feel puffy. However, that soft outside feel has no bearing on the perfect gem inside. 

Satsumas are sweet, seedless mandarin oranges that you can’t stop eating once you try them (how many is too many?…asking for a friend…). They peel faster and better than other citrus varieties, taste amazing, and are super nutritious. We’d hate for people to miss out on all that goodness if they pick one up and think it feels ‘squishy’ – it’s just perfect!

Try them yourself and tell a friend – you’ll wish all your fruit had perfect puffy peels like the beautiful Satsuma.

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